Tag Archives: time

A Note on Science: Relativity of Relativity.

timeIn context of our intelligibility debate, It is only appropriate to address one of most unintelligible theory in history of modern science, theory of relativity (TR) which models and conclusions defy common human comprehension. Does relativity describe objective reality or it is just a mathematical construct conceived in our mind alone, forcing on us into conclusions conflicted with our built-in comfortable, innate understanding of concepts of time and space (see previous posts). The theory of relativity, developed with poor, deficient input from our sense perceptions, challenging us to confront new worldview with nothing absolute or reliable to hold on to. Instead we are forced into “subjective reality” dependent of individual observer.

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It’s About Time.

the-fabric-of-the-cosmos-the-illusion-of-timeIt’s hard to find anyone who would have fundamental problem accepting common meaning of time. We need it. We need our future and our past. What is interesting is that no one is asking why we so easy accept it and use it as a fundamental element of our perception and what we would call “understanding” of world around us, which we describe as our “reality”.

What if, time is so fundamental to our lives, that we had to invent it.

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